31 Amazing Facts About Jackson Chameleons
Whether you already own one or you are planning to get one, here are 31 most fascinating facts that you should know about the Jackson chameleon.
Whether you already own one or you are planning to get one, here are 31 most fascinating facts that you should know about the Jackson chameleon.
Would you like to know how your chameleon shows that it recognizes you? There is really a lot to know about how your chameleon communicates signs of recognition and affection.
Whether you already own a panther chameleon or you are planning to own one, here are 39 fascinating facts about the Panther chameleon.
The veiled chameleon, (Binomial name Chameleo calyptratus) is an interesting and fascinating animal. But how much do you know about these unique creatures? Here are 35 selected facts you need to know about the veiled chameleon today. General Information 1. Yemen chameleon The veiled chameleon is a species of chameleon that originated from the …
Let you take a closer look and find out more information about baby chameleons – what they eat, how fast they grow and everything else that might interest you.
If you consider owning a chameleon, you will confront a question at the very beginning: Which sex of chameleon is best for a pet owner? This is a debate that has been going on among vets, chameleon breeders, and pet owners for a while. Actually, there is no “RIGHT” answer. The truth is that it is all …
After you read this post, you will be well informed on the biting habit of chameleons, what causes them to bite, and how you can deal with it. Do chameleon bite? I think all the new chameleon owners have the same question in their mind. In short, Yes, chameleons can bite if provoked. They will bite …
In this post, I’ll talk about chameleons’ hearing ability and how you can talk to your chameleon. Hope you enjoy. For many years I spoke to my chameleon and kept on wondering if he could hear me. The lack of visible ears on my chameleon and the fact that it seemed oblivious to many sounds …