Many creatures on this planet are capable of getting admiration and love the same second the human eye notices them. But you should see the surprisingly positive reaction of the people who have just seen a baby chameleon for the first time. Doesn’t sound like cuteness overload? That’s where you’re wrong. Imagine holding a very small chameleon on your finger, looking at his lovely eyes and you will suddenly understand what I’m talking about.
In this post, I will let you take a closer look and find out more information about baby chameleons – what they eat, how fast they grow and everything else that might interest you. Who knows, maybe you’ll even decide to get one for yourself!

“Baby chameleon on finger” (CC BY 2.0)
Table of Contents
How Are Baby Chameleons Born?
Firstly, it is significant to say that some of the most common chameleons that are kept as pets are Veiled, Panther and Jackson’s chameleon and the reproduction of these three species is not really the same. If you already got one then there are a couple of things that you should be aware of. Hopefully, this article will help you increase your knowledge and learn how to experience the joy of reproducing baby chameleons without worrying too much.
They are mostly oviparous animals, which implicates that many chameleon species lay eggs as a means of reproducing. A real exception is the Jackson chameleons who have live births and are able to give birth to between eight and thirty babies at one time. What may shock you, as well as the new keepers, is to discover that females will lay eggs regardless of being mated.
Yes, they may not need a man like the women in their lives, but they still demand a specific care. Depending on how well you take care of them, their ability to lay eggs will increase or decrease. However, there is always a possibility for a condition known as egg bound to appear. This term describes a female chameleon that is unable to produce eggs despite the fact she is carrying them inside her.
In that case, you should visit a veterinarian for further diagnosis and help. Otherwise, the chameleon could die or get extremely ill as a result of not laying eggs. Although this doesn’t happen very often, you should learn the habits of your chameleon in order to spot any different behavior. That way, you will be able to react on time and prevent it from developing. But as long as the female chameleon is healthy, living in a peaceful and comfortable place you won’t have to worry about egg-laying at all.
Image Credit: Taiwan Chameleon
The first signs that female is ready to lay eggs are gaining weight and becoming restless. Even if the food intake is still the same, you would notice that your chameleon is starting to look more and more like a circular shaped object. Still, it is possible that females don’t get fat at all so this could vary from species to species. But they will certainly become restless and begin to search the cage trying to find a perfect place to lay their eggs. I would suggest putting a laying bin in the cage to make the whole process easier. The female will start exploring the laying bin and digging the test tunnels. Once she is ready and completely pleased with one of the tunnels she will work for quite some time until she is prepared to put the eggs in a place where she believes they will be safe. Afterward, the female will fill in the tunnel and get back to the basking in order to avoid attracting attention to the digging spot.
As said above, the most important thing for the female is to remain healthy. When she is satisfied, there is no way that something could wrong with her eggs. To prevent any health problems, you will have to provide extremely good UVB bulbs and maintain quality nutrition. Female who receives supplementation with calcium and other vitamins on regular basis will stay in good physical condition and produce healthy eggs. And if you’re breeding, by doing this you will make sure that hatchlings will be vigorous.
Image Credit: Taiwan Chameleon
(ambilobe panther chameleon on sale)
What Do Baby Chameleons Eat?
Taking care of baby chameleons is not easy at all. But once you get used to it, it will be more like a piece of cake. They are insectivores which mean their diet includes lots of insects. It is important for baby chameleons to get all the required nutrients so they can grow and develop rightly.
You should also pay attention to the temperature in the cage or you will have trouble getting chameleon to eat. Throughout the day, the basking spot temperature should vary from 90 to 95 Fahrenheit degrees. As for the night time, the temperatures in the mid-70s will be suitable.
The great tip when it comes to feeding your baby chameleons is to buy them live crickets (pay attention that they must be gut loaded and dusted with calcium powder) and throw them in a cage so they can enjoy the excitement of hunting just like in the wild. It is very simple: just place a few insects on different spots of the cage. Once the chameleon notices them, he will start gradually moving toward them. After that, they will be gone in a second.
On the off chance that your chameleon is experiencing issues with this technique, you can likewise feed them in a cup. And of course, there is a rule you need to follow: the length of the crickets should not be bigger than the width of the chameleon’s head. It is recommended to feed baby chameleons every day and give them as many crickets as they are able to eat. Try giving them some fruit and collard greens too, since there is a huge possibility they might like it. Chameleons up to a half year old ought to eat somewhere in the range of ten and twelve crickets every day.
Contingent upon the species, you can begin feeding them each other day when your chameleon is somewhere in the range of six and a year old. Most grown-up chameleons will eat somewhere in the range of five and twelve crickets for every sustaining.
It is important for baby chameleons to also dust their food with vitamin additions such as calcium, at least three times per week. The more calcium the babies have, the slighter are chances of getting the MBD. (See more: Metabolic bone disease)
In captivity, chameleons suffer from vitamin A deficiency. For that reason, you should either feed the crickets with food that provide vitamin A or add the vitamin A supplement dust direct on them right away before the feeding.
You must balance your chameleon’s diet by adding other insects too (gut loaded of course). Therefore, their cricket diet should be supplemented by identical treats e.g. wax worms, mealworms, superworms, flies etc.(Click to see the price on Amazon)
Lastly, make sure to feed your baby chameleon in the mornings. Be consistent and try as much as possible to maintain a regular schedule.
Image Credit: Taiwan Chameleon
How Fast Do Baby Chameleons Grow?
You ought to never bring another pet home without first getting the hang of all that you can about the particular creature you are buying. The chameleon’s size and lifespan are two other very important characteristics that you have to know in case you decide to take care of one.
Dissimilar species vary in color and size. The periods of infants and adolescents are evaluated by watching their colorations and sizes. They demonstrate no physical changes after they are 2 years old. On average, the chameleons normally live about 3 years in the wild. But living in captivity is a totally different story since they receive much more care. Their lifespan can range even up to 10 years. How long they will live also depends on the gender of the chameleon. For that reason, males have a tendency to live even a couple years longer than females. The reason why this happens is that the females, even if you don’t breed them, still lay eggs. This drains a lot of energy out of their bodies and causes a shorter lifespan. (See more: Pros and Cons of Own Female or Male Chameleons)
Veiled chameleon hatchlings are 3 to 4 inches long, and by the time they are 8 months old, they have already reached the length of the adults. The measure of the females is between 8 and 12 inches, and males are 12 to 19 inches long, which makes them one of the larger chameleon species held in captivity.
Image Credit: Taiwan Chameleon
Once they reach their final length, chameleons continue to gain weight until they are 2 years old. If you take a good care of them, you can expect them to live around 6 years. As for Jackson’s baby chameleons, they are between 3 and 5 inches long but can get up to 10 inches in total length. But they do live longer, with the lifespan of 10 years.
Fun fact is that you can also estimate the age of the chameleons by their colorization. For example, Veiled baby chameleons are pale green. Even as hatchlings, the chameleons have the ability to change the color of their body. As they grow, their colors gradually develop. Males wind up dull green, with blue, dark colored and gold markings. Mature females indicate white, yellow, and blue examples on their green skin.

“Chamäleon” (CC BY-ND 2.0)
(Sambava Panther Chameleon on sale)
Cage setup for baby chameleons
Chameleons do make incredible pets. But in order to keep the baby chameleon safe and sound, you will have to provide them a decent habitat. There are two sorts of habitats: vivarium cages and free-range living spaces. Vivariums are the more customary sort of chameleon environment and are like the reptile confines you may see at the zoo.
The first thing you have to do is to buy a cage, which you can surely find in the nearest pet store. When it comes to choosing the size of it, you need to have in mind that chameleons can grow really big. So this will be a situation where the rule “the bigger the better” is more than acceptable. But, it is recommended for babies to be kept in the small enclosure until they grow a little, and then move them to the larger cage. As for material, glass cages improve temperature and dampness control, and they might be more qualified for those living in dry or chilly atmospheres.
In case you can’t afford a larger one at the beginning, the screened cage that is at least 16 inches wide, 16 inches deep, and 30 inches tall can do a very solid job until the chameleon is 8 to 10 months old. Don’t forget to put a top on it. Otherwise, your chameleon will escape, and you will be running all over the house trying to find it. (See more: Best Terrarium size for a Veiled Chameleon)
You need to add artificial ultraviolet light as well as basking bulbs outside and on top of the cage. It is a must since basking bulbs help chameleons in regulating their body temperature and without artificial lights, they won’t be able to digest the food right way. Make the basking spot by placing a climbable rock or tree close to the basking bulb so the chameleon can get to it. One more thing not to forget is to turn off the lights during the night.
Image Credit: Taiwan Chameleon
As for the temperature, the perfect one during the day is the room temperature, between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. To create a basking spot of 85 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit you should put the heat bulb approximately 6 to 8 inches above the enclosure.
You should also lay down some kind of substrate. (Check on Amazon) That will serve as the base layer on which your baby chameleon will walk. You can choose between different types of substrates, but I recommend buying the mix of them, which you can also find at every pet store. Stay away from buying sand, gravel or similar substrates to avoid trapping moisture. Don’t forget to change it when you notice the first signs of the marks. (See more: How Often Should I Clean a Chameleon Cage? (Clean Guide))
One more thing that is very important is to decorate the cage nicely. You should add a natural touch by placing artificial plants and rocks all over the cage. Adding the plants is a very crucial step in making the perfect setup for your baby chameleon. Be sure to check the decoration in lizard stores since there is a huge chance that you might find there something interesting as well.
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“Caméléon – Chameleon” (CC BY 2.0)
How Long Baby Chameleon Sleep?
Chameleons mostly sleep at the night, when the lights are off but during the day you could find them basking under the ultraviolet bulbs.
How long they sleep mainly depends on the wheatear season. In the winter, they will spend 13 or 14 hours of sleep. When the summer comes, that number gets lower, and their normal sleep lasts around 12 hours.
Image Credit: Taiwan Chameleon
Do Baby Chameleons Die Easily?
Chameleon is definitely not one of those pets perfect for beginners. They don’t die easily, but they are very difficult to maintain. If you don’t take good care of them, you might face their unfortunate death. However, to prevent this from happening you should make sure to buy a healthy chameleon with bright coloration and try to satisfy all of its needs regularly.
Pet chameleons are effortlessly stressed, and a high level of stress can easily lead to a compromised immune system. To decrease pressure, keep your chameleon in a low-activity part of your home and try to avoid making any bigger noise. Also, you should keep them away from other pets, especially other chameleons. (See more: Can You Put Two Chameleons Together?)
Image Credit: Taiwan Chameleon
Where to Buy Baby Chameleons?
The most important thing when it comes to buying baby chameleons is to get one from the well-known breeder or pet store. It will ensure you that your new pet is healthy. You can ask the local veterinarian or someone who went through the buying process to recommend you good chameleon breeder near you.
Remember to never buy a wild-caught chameleon since they tend to be more stressful because of the capturing process, and it is likely for them to have a big number of parasites. All of this can cause a shorter lifespan and it may be inevitable for you to face their death real soon.
And if you are preparing to become an owner for the first time, find out the easiest chameleon species to take care for. Some of them are already mentioned, like Veiled chameleons, Panther and Jackson’s chameleons. This category also includes Oustalet’s chameleon as well as the Flap-Necked chameleon.
(You can also visit
As said many times in this article, chameleons do make really great pets. After you learn how to take care of them properly, you will enjoy having them and be more than proud to show them to your friends.
Hopefully, this article helped you increase your knowledge about this outstanding reptiles and find out more interesting information.
Hope you find this post interesting and helpful. If you find anything wrong or outdated, please leave your comment below. I’ll update it as soon as possible.
Thanks for reading.
(Chameleon for sale)